Thursday, January 27, 2011

God’s Hate List

          OK today out of Proverbs 6 these verses stuck out to me.  We always talk about God being a loving God, but when you come to this verse you see that there are things that God hates.  Also God being a just God will punish for the sins of man unless we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior.  Looking at this list there is no way I have not violated at least a few of these in my life time so far and deserve to be judged accordingly.

Proverbs 6:16 There are six things the Lord hates,
seven that are detestable to him:

17 haughty eyes,
a lying tongue,
hands that shed innocent blood, 

18 a heart that devises wicked schemes,
feet that are quick to rush into evil,

19 a false witness who pours out lies
and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.

          The first one is a prideful look.  How many times have we avoided certain people because they just do not match up to our life style?  I have seen this even in church.  There is always that one person that people seem to avoid as soon as they see them come through the doors.  Why?  Because people think they are so much better than that person.  Don’t think it is true, open your eyes and take a look sometime and you will see it.  Interesting this is at the top of God’s hate list.

          Two a lying tongue.  This is self explanatory, but God hates lies.  The tongue as it says in James 3:8 is untamable.

James 3:8 but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.

          So if that is true then how are we to be accountable for something we cannot control?  You notice it says that no human being can tame the tongue, so this is where we have to turn to God and the Holy Spirit within us to control the tongue. 

          Three is the shedding of innocent blood.  The key here is innocent blood, although God has said that life is precious that does not mean that if someone takes a life they do not forfeit their own.

Genesis 9:6 If anyone takes a human life, that person’s life will also be taken by human hands. For God made human beings in his own image.

          Four is a heart that plans evil things.  There are times that we may think evil thoughts and never would carry them out, but for a fleeting moment give thought to things we know that we shouldn’t.  Then we will catch ourselves as we are convicted of the Holy Spirit and stop those thoughts.  However in the fifth item we are sometimes quick to act on those evil thoughts of our heart without conviction of the Spirit.  Still we have to take the blame for those ourselves and not place the blame on God because He did not stop us from acting upon the sinful desires of our heart.  You want free will, there it is.

          Sixth is perjury, giving false testimony.  It is lying which we already know God hates, but lying with a particular purpose of giving a false testimony.  Finally the seventh, stirring up conflict.  I see this mainly in the spreading of rumors.  Everyone likes that juicy little tid bit of information to share with others and as it gets shared it gets bigger and bigger and will start to cause conflict.  You always know who the biggest gossip is and if you do not want to have something known you will keep it away from them.

          So this is the list of the seven things God really hates according to Proverbs.  How many of these do you commit on a daily, weekly, monthly, or even a yearly basis?  I know I am guilty of at least a few of these.  I am so thankful I have Jesus to stand up for me at my time of judgment.  How about you?

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