Monday, February 21, 2011

God’s Desire for Us

          Today’s readings were very good in Acts 23, Proverbs 3 that I am reflecting on here, Psalm 61, and Genesis 44.  I could have reference all of Proverbs 3 here without much hesitation and it would be right since God’s Word means so much more than mine, but this is a way again for me to be accountable in my reading and understanding of such things.

          As Proverbs 3 opens up it talks about love and faithfulness two attributes that we should posses and that should be apparent to all of those around us especially those that are closer to us.  I know that sometimes we can put these on as we would put on our clothes in the morning.  Not to say that they are not genuine, but we use them when it suits us and take them off in the evening when we are back with those that we should be showing this to more so.  So this needs to be a part of who we are because it is a part of who God is and who He wants us to be.  So:

Proverbs 3:3 Let love and faithfulness never leave you;
bind them around your neck,
write them on the tablet of your heart.

Proverbs 3:4 Then you will win favor and a good name
in the sight of God and man.

          To follow this one up we must gain understanding and wisdom, but not of our own doing, but through the Lord so that we may not boast in our own accomplishments.  

Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;

Proverbs 3:6 in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.

Proverbs 3:7 Do not be wise in your own eyes;
fear the Lord and shun evil.

Proverbs 3:8 This will bring health to your body
and nourishment to your bones.

Proverbs 3:13 Blessed are those who find wisdom,
those who gain understanding,

          We must honor the Lord also in all that He has given us and return back a portion out of our faithfulness.  Let’s face it if we are holding back then we really do not believe this passage here and we have no faith in the One we profess to have faith in.  They say you can tell a person’s faith by their actions.  How do people see you?

Proverbs 3:9 Honor the Lord with your wealth,
with the firstfruits of all your crops;

Proverbs 3:10 then your barns will be filled to overflowing,
and your vats will brim over with new wine.

          Finally the hard one for all of us to really fall in line with is discipline and rebuke.  No one likes to be told they are doing something wrong, because of our own self-arrogance.  Look at our children as they are told no and disciplined for doing wrong, how do they react?  Do we not act the same way when we are rebuked?  Proverbs also tells us that the wise accept rebuke while the fool rejects it.  Strong words to remember next time you are in the middle of being corrected.

Proverbs 3:11 My son, do not despise the Lord's discipline,
and do not resent his rebuke,

Proverbs 3:12 because the Lord disciplines those he loves,
as a father the son he delights in.

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