Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Why Church?

          I could write about many of the things that I have read in today’s study, but I will try and keep it as brief as possible and focus on the main thing that stuck out to me the most.  The main point and the first thing I came to in my readings was in Romans 1 starting in verse 11 where Paul is finally in Rome speaking to the people there.

Romans 1:11 I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong—12 that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith.

          Paul is not there just for the people and the message that he can bring to them, but so that they may ALL grow in their faith.  This is why we are called to come together in church.  It is not just so that we can listen to the Word of God be spoke, we can do that at home.  Many people think they can be good Christians and not have to go to church.  They figure as long as they are good people and pray and read their Bible occasionally they do not have a need for a church.  They can commune with God by themselves.  Some even think that while they are out in the woods hunting and just spending quiet time they are fulfilling that obligation of being with and worshiping God there, the woods are their church.  Paul shows us this is not the case; we need each other in order to grow in God.  Maybe we should think about that next time we are in church and not just that we need others, but that others need us.

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